Documentation / CIQ Bridge Setup

CIQ Bridge Setup

To set up CIQ Bridge on any number of hosts, you will need to contact CIQ Support and obtain a token for every user that will have access to register systems in CIQ’s Repository “Depot” platform.

Bridge Setup Quickstart

With the token you obtained from CIQ’s support or sales teams, you can setup Bridge in 5 steps on a given CentOS 7 x86_64 system:

$ sudo yum install -y
[lots of output]

$ sudo depot register -u [USER STRING] -t [USER TOKEN]

$ sudo depot dnf
Writing DNF configuration for: centos-7.x86_64
Writing DNF configuration for: ciq-bridge.x86_64
Writing DNF configuration for: depot
Writing DNF configuration for: centos-7-updates.x86_64

$ sudo yum-config-manager --disable base updates extras os

$ sudo yum -y update
[lots of output]