Documentation / Pulling CIQ Depot Repositories with Rsync

Pulling CIQ Depot Repositories with Rsync

Mirroring Bridge Locally

With CIQ Depot, it is possible to easily mirror repositories that have been enabled with Rsync support. You can find the Rsync URI for each of the repositories within the Depot Web Interface.

Navigate to the product in question, and from there you can see each of your repositories. Anyrepository that is Rsync’able will be visible to you there. Here is an example sync script for CIQ Bridge:



if [ -n "$ORG_TOKEN" ]; then

mkdir -p "$REPODIR/ciq-bridge"

rsync -av "rsync://$" "$REPODIR/ciq-bridge/"

mkdir -p "$REPODIR/centos-7"

rsync -av "rsync://$" "$REPODIR/centos-7/"

mkdir -p "$REPODIR/centos-7-updates"

rsync -av "rsync://$" "$REPODIR/centos-7-updates/"

Running your own CIQ Depot service

CIQ Depot is designed to run locally within your own infrastructure. This enables you to manage and control your own hosts without having to connect each one of them over the public internet to our SaaS service. For scalability and security reasons, this might be advantageous for your organization.

To do this, you have to install the depot-server RPM, edit the configuration, and start the systemd service. To make this easy, you can run this directly on a single host, or through a VM infrastructure, or in a Kuberentes cluster to achieve whatever level of scale and redundancy you require.

The first step is contacting your sales representative at CIQ to get access to the Depot Service binaries. From there, you can do the following:

$ sudo depot dnf
Writing DNF configuration for: centos-7.x86_64
Writing DNF configuration for: ciq-bridge.x86_64
Writing DNF configuration for: depot
Writing DNF configuration for: centos-7-updates.x86_64
Writing DNF configuration for: depot-server
$ sudo yum install depot-server
[lots of output]
$ sudo vi /etc/depot/config.yaml
[make whatever changes you need to the configuration file]
$ sudo systemctl start depot.service
[will start the service]

Mirroring CIQ Bridge content in your own CIQ Depot instance

The content in CIQ Depot that has been enabled with Rsync can be mirrored to either your own infrastructure, or to other CIQ Depot instances directly from CIQ, or peer-to-peer with other Depot hosts.

A simplified approach to this would be to obtain the configuration from Depot itself to help you in configuring repositories to other Depot instances. When viewing a repository from its product page, if it is enabled with Rsync, you will also see a link to a Depot configuration which can be copied and pasted into your CIQ Depot configuration file at /etc/depot/config.yaml.